Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Think" and write it down anywhere!

So for my first post in this blog rightfully titled, "Pan de Hoy" which means, "Today's bread", I decided to post something about food and advertising (Why?....well, why not? :)

While looking for something interesting to post, I found this pretty awesome ad for the School of Visual Arts. The ad embodies the notion that all creative thinkers should "think" anywhere and everywhere and to of course write down their thoughts. I've always found that my best ideas have come from the most unexpected places. That's where I think the beauty of being a designer comes from. You can come up with the "big idea" just pretty much anywhere, as long as you don't forget two important things. Don't stop thinking and write them down anywhere. The ad below addresses places like toilet paper and napkins (which I've always found to be the best sketchbooks out there) to portray the message that anywhere really "means" anywhere.
The tag below the images says, "Creative thinkers such as Stefan Sagmeister, Paula Scher and Milton Glaser teach classes at the School of Visual Arts.
This campaign reflects that tradition by encouraging people everywhere to “Think” while also giving them a place to write down their thoughts."

P.S - Click on the image to see it bigger!


  1. I remember seeing this on a website somewhere or maybe you had showed me it. I thought it was pretty funny how they incorporate lined paper into everyday items. I use to keep a notebook near my bed because i would sometimes come up with just crazy ideas while I was sleeping or in my dreams and I would write them down. Maybe I should start doing that again.

  2. I love this idea it makes perfect sence because we use napkins and any kind of paper to write stuff down anyway so why not make it lined!! Perfect for bars and clubs when people are getting numbers. hhehe
